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What to Expect

The Bible

We view the Bible as our single source of truth. It reveals the will of God to us. So when you visit, there will be plenty of opportunities to spend time with the Word of God. We have classes for children of all ages and adults. In all of these classes, you will find that we place an emphasis on studying scripture to learn more about Jesus and his will for our lives. In addition to bible classes, every Sunday we also hear a lesson presented

to the entire congregation. 


We love to worship our Lord and God. The Bible teaches us that God loves to be worshiped in song and so that is what we do. We encourage everyone to join in and sing out, regardless of your talent. Even if you can’t sing well, your heartfelt expression of worship towards God is what’s most important.


We are a praying people. When you visit, you will notice that we pray at several different times during the service. Leaders will direct our minds to pray for the sick, to thank God for our blessings, and to encourage our brothers and sisters.


One of the most important things we do on Sunday’s is to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made on behalf of all sinners, so we might have a relationship with the Father. We follow the example of the christians in Acts 20.7 and do this every week. The supper consists of unleavened bread and fruit of the vine as memorials to the body and blood of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 11:20-34). These elements are provided for any and all guests who wish to participate. 


The word fellowship means

joint-participation in spiritual things. So, all of the aforementioned activities are fellowship in the things of the Lord. In addition, the visiting that takes place before and after the worship service is quite remarkable (1Pet 5:14). People simply enter the building and begin talking with each other, shaking hands, exchanging hugs and encouraging one another in the Lord.  One visit will show that the congregation at Bremerton is a place where real social networking occurs and where people can find and express the love of Christ.


In this group, we are people from all walks of life. People with real struggles, trials, and burdens on their hearts. We are just like you and we would love the opportunity to show you a place of love and acceptance.


Come be with a group of people who understand that you are not your mistakes and know that you have a unique God given purpose here with skills and talents that will glorify God.

Come As You Are

We hope you will choose to visit and worship with us soon. When you do, please know that he have ample facilities for parents with small children and mothers with nursing children. We don’t have a rigid dress code, and you will find members who wear everything from suits/ties and dresses to jeans. If you have an interest in the Lord, we invite you to come as you are.

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Bremerton church of Christ,  500 Pleasant Drive (use Mailing Address: PO Box 4815)
Bremerton, WA 98312  |  |  Tel: (360) 377-5622

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